Thursday, February 3, 2011


Some ideas from my PDS experience that I have could include in my digital stories are how I watch the students interact with another and how much they enjoy the different activities that they do during the day. Every morning my first graders have little activities to do during their reading block and they really enjoy putting together different little books about different subjects. Since Groundhog Day was this past week, they focused several activities on just that day. They learned all about Punxsatawney Phil and what he did and what it means if he sees his shadow or not. They also colored and put together a little booklet about what a groundhog does when he hibernates. After that, I read them a story about Groundhog Day. I have so many ideas running through my head for things to include in my digital story, that I'm not sure if i'll be able to pick.

Some stories from my PDS that will be interesting to listen to is the books that the different first grade classes wrote and are currently in the process of having them published. My class wrote a book about the ABC's of job. They included different jobs for each letter. I think it will be interesting to listen to because they wrote it and will be very proud to read their story to someone else. Several things make a story a good story. The most important thing is grabbing and keeping the listener's attention. Also, a good plot is key because if the story is boring, the listener probably won't want to keep listening. Stories need to be fun as well, they can be educational but fun at the same time. If a child can learn something from a story but have fun with it as well, then I think that's when a story is most beneficial.

Using different media in a story enhances telling a story because it's not the standard just having someone read the words from a page. Using audio or video keeps the listener on their toes and keeps them interested into what's going to come next in the story.