Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

I can't believe that it's already mid-term.  It seems like only yesterday it was the beginning of the school year and we had a whole semester ahead of us.  Things have been going really well in the Kindergarten wing at Mason-Dixon.  The students are finally getting used to the routine and are starting to act the way they should.  We had a wonderful week this past week and it made the days so much better and they went so much faster.  I think I have finally found my niche in the teaching world.  I absolutely love kindergarten and everything that comes with it.  The students are wonderful and they are so eager to learn. Their eyes are always so bright and they are always happy to see me.  The amount of hugs I receive on a daily basis are phenomenal.  My students make me happy.
I have started to integrate my action research.  When I did my baseline, most of my students did really well which worried me, but I do have a few that hopefully will benefit from the nursery rhymes and getting the extra help they need with rhyme recognition.  The students seem to really enjoy doing the nursery rhymes and the hands on activities that I have been trying to incorporate with them as well.  So far I have only covered one nursery rhyme, but the kids seems to be responded well and I'm hoping for good results.