Thursday, March 3, 2011

Learning Goals

The learning goal that I have been most concerned about this semster is being comfortable teaching large groups. At the beginning of last semester, I was so intimidated by the thought of standing in front of 25 little faces staring up at me, that I didn't know what to do with myself. As the semester progressed, I got more comfortable, but not comfortable enough. This semester however, I can feel myself getting more comfortable with each week I visit my PDS. I know how my classroom works and I can maneuver myself around it more easily now. I think that I am progressing well. I know this is something that takes time, but if I'm going to be a teacher, I need to be really comfortable in front of those shining faces.
I haven't added or changed anything to my practicum plan this semester. I set it up in a way that I knew I would be able to follow it without overwhelming myself and I gave myself enough time between each activity so that I would have ample time to prepare for it and discuss it with my mentor teacher.
In relation to completeing the activities listed on my plan, I am right on track. I have already done my read aloud and next week I will be teaching my small group lesson. I check my plan regualry so that I can keep myself updated on what needs done and when it is due. Compared to not having one of these last semster, this semester is so much better. I don't feel as confused about what needs done and I don't feel like I have to rush to get things done either. And that's a big plus!