Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

I can't believe that it's already mid-term.  It seems like only yesterday it was the beginning of the school year and we had a whole semester ahead of us.  Things have been going really well in the Kindergarten wing at Mason-Dixon.  The students are finally getting used to the routine and are starting to act the way they should.  We had a wonderful week this past week and it made the days so much better and they went so much faster.  I think I have finally found my niche in the teaching world.  I absolutely love kindergarten and everything that comes with it.  The students are wonderful and they are so eager to learn. Their eyes are always so bright and they are always happy to see me.  The amount of hugs I receive on a daily basis are phenomenal.  My students make me happy.
I have started to integrate my action research.  When I did my baseline, most of my students did really well which worried me, but I do have a few that hopefully will benefit from the nursery rhymes and getting the extra help they need with rhyme recognition.  The students seem to really enjoy doing the nursery rhymes and the hands on activities that I have been trying to incorporate with them as well.  So far I have only covered one nursery rhyme, but the kids seems to be responded well and I'm hoping for good results.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just Another Week

This week was a short week but a very educational one for me.  The student that I have that has oppositional defiance issues was really out of sorts this week and it was rough for the students and all the teachers.  Today was the worst day.  From the start of the day he didn't listen and was just all over the place.  He didn't finish his work during stations and due to that, my mentor told him he had to go to study hall to finish it.  He refused, layed down on the floor and started kicking and screaming.  When the aid came in, my mentor teacher took the rest of the class to recess and we tried to get him up.  I went and got the guidance counselor and the student wouldn't get up for her either so the counselor and the aid preceded to pick him up and try to escort him to study hall.  When they started having trouble I had to go get a teacher that is qualified to work with this kind of issue to help but by the time we got back another teacher had him calmed down and was talking to him.  He finally walked himself down to study hall and continued to finish his work.  I had never witnessed anything like this before.  It was very eye opening for me and I'm glad I got the chance to see something like this happen so that in the future if I have similar experience, I will know what to do and how to conduct myself.  My internship is not only giving me the opportunity to grow as a teacher, but it is also giving a chance to broaden my educational horizon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kindergarten Tales

Last week was the first full week with students.  It was interesting to say the least.  I have a very rambunctious group of students:12 boy and 8 girls.  They are all good kids they just need some guidance and aren't used to the schedule of kindergarten life yet.  I have experienced my first exposure to oppositional defiance disorder.  Before this semester I had never even heard about it, but it really does exist and in my classroom as well.  The student has done very well though and we've been working with him so things are getting better.  The first few days were questionable.  Now he only has a few moments where he shows some defiance, but it's no where near what it used to be like and I think he's learning to like school better and get more used to having a routine everyday.  My mentor teacher has given me some of the best feedback I could every ask for.  She told me that she thinks I'm cut out for kindergarten and that I'm doing a wonderful job.  My mothering personality and the care I show for the students is something that she is very fond of and she urges me to continue with the way I am going.  So far I am loving kindergarten and enjoy going back every day!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Week of Internship

I was able to start my internship on the 13 of August along with teachers.  I really liked being able to experience exactly what the teachers do.  Some of the meetings were a bit monotonousness, but others were very informative and got me excited for the new year to begin.  The best part of starting early was being able to attend home visits with my mentor teacher and aid.  It was really eye opening to see how the children responded and what basic skills they had tucked under their belts already.  Once I observed my mentor teacher administer the surveys with some of the children, she allowed me to step in and conduct some myself.  I enjoyed having my first exposure to the students.  It taught me a lot and I know that I have even more to learn.
Once the students arrived, it was even more eye-opening.  I have 20 students, 12 of which are boys.  Some of our boys are quite a handful but I'm loving every minute of it.  The days go by so quickly and I can see the students growing each day.  I can tell that's it going to be a very educational semester not only for me but my mentor as well.  I'm ready to really begin my full time teaching so I can see what it's really like.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Inquiry Celebration Reflection

After going to the inquiry celebration, I got some really neat ideas about different strategies and games to use in math with my kindergartners next year.  Both session I went to were intern sessions and they were very beneficial to me.  Most of them focused on touch point math and different strategies to assist students when teaching math.  Math has never been my strong suit, and when I began teaching, it really terrified me.  I am very grateful that I was able to visit both sessions because I learned so much and took so much away with me that I think will be very helpful in my teaching.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Practicum Plan Reflection #2

When I look at my practicum plan I get so excited!! I can't believe how fast this semester is winding down. I have just a few more things to get done and I am currently working on them now. My goals have also been very well planned out. I am much more comfortable with teaching math and I have been able to gather data and analyze it very quickly. At the beginning of the semester, it seemed like there was so much to do, but now I can't believe that it has all gotten done and I have lived through another semester!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Characteristics of the Novice Teacher #2

For my first artifact, I chose characteristic #3: We believe that the novice teacher should recognize that teaching is a professional, moral, and ethical enterprise, should understand moral issues and ethical practices in educational environments, and should have developed ethical frameworks which facilitate effective teaching. I think that my literacy workstation project from EDUC 461 is a good example of this. I say this because throughout the project there are many modifications for students with different cultural beliefs as well as a number of resources used to teach students about different moral and ethics. Even though this project was done in a group setting, the other members and myself made sure that we incorporated a number of different ideas and activities to make sure that students were not just leaning school material, but life lessons as well.

My second artifact relates to characteristic #4: We believe the novice teacher should be a facilitator of learning for all students. My technology toolkit from SPED 360 is a good reflection of this. While doing this project, I made sure I picked activities that would give all students a chance to learn. they were all technology activities that could be modified in any way for any student with a disability. I tried to think of the project as being something that a student could do mostly on themselves with very little assistance. That way they were getting learning skills as well as acquiring technology skills. The skills that I picked would be easy for a teacher to take a group of students to a lab and be able to circulate throughout the computer lab as the students worked their way through their assignments.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Practium Plan Reflection

It is absolutely crazy how fast this semester has gone! I honestly don't even think January and February has even existed. I was looking over my practicum plan today and realized that almost half of my assignments are highlighted in green. Seeing green highlighter makes me happy because that mean those things are done. It just doesn't feel like that much time has passed and that it's almost time for spring break. I was talking with my mentor teacher today and we both realized that I don't really have that much left to do in the classroom. I just have to teach for two weeks from my plans, which I'm doing in April, and then I need to teach my learning cycle, which I'm also doing in April. I get really excited when I think about the semester being over. It's been a rough one but if I'm made it this far, I'm pretty sure I can make it through!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Characteristics of the Novice Teacher

The seminar on Friday really cleared up my questions on the characteristics of the novice teacher. All I really knew was that they were in the rubric and that during my intern year, I was going to have to do something with them.
The first artifact I have chosen to represent a characteristic is my literacy workstation project from last semester. I think it connects to characteristic four: facilitator of learning for all students and characteristic 9: diverse students. I think it connects to these two because it was made so that all students can learn from it and so diverse students can connect with what they are learning to their culture. I included several different books and materials for the diverse student so that they can feel like are part of the group and not different.
The second artifact I have chosen is a lesson that I just taught last week. It was a lesson on the Emancipation Proclamation that I used many different types of learning styles to teach and that the students absolutely loved. I had so much feedback and participation from the students! I think it connects to characteristic 6: in depth knowledge of content because my students were so engaged because I was so knowledgeable about the content and was able to inform them a great deal of the concept. I also connect it to diverse students as well because I was able to adapt the lesson for many different learning styles. I used the Elmo, an audio file, I had pictures, and I also provided a copy of what was on the audio file so that students could follow along. My fifth graders are usually pretty silent, but with this lesson they were engaged and so excited to learn more and continue on.
Looking at the ten characteristics, I see that there is still so much for me to learn about myself as a teacher. So far, I think that I'm doing a good job of becoming the best teacher that I can be, but there's still a lot to learn. Teaching is a profession that is not just learned or taught overnight. It takes tons of practice and the willingness to open yourself as a learner and become aware of yourself and your students.