Friday, September 7, 2012

Just Another Week

This week was a short week but a very educational one for me.  The student that I have that has oppositional defiance issues was really out of sorts this week and it was rough for the students and all the teachers.  Today was the worst day.  From the start of the day he didn't listen and was just all over the place.  He didn't finish his work during stations and due to that, my mentor told him he had to go to study hall to finish it.  He refused, layed down on the floor and started kicking and screaming.  When the aid came in, my mentor teacher took the rest of the class to recess and we tried to get him up.  I went and got the guidance counselor and the student wouldn't get up for her either so the counselor and the aid preceded to pick him up and try to escort him to study hall.  When they started having trouble I had to go get a teacher that is qualified to work with this kind of issue to help but by the time we got back another teacher had him calmed down and was talking to him.  He finally walked himself down to study hall and continued to finish his work.  I had never witnessed anything like this before.  It was very eye opening for me and I'm glad I got the chance to see something like this happen so that in the future if I have similar experience, I will know what to do and how to conduct myself.  My internship is not only giving me the opportunity to grow as a teacher, but it is also giving a chance to broaden my educational horizon.

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