Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blogging Over the Year

I have enjoyed using this blog over the course of the year. I have been able to reflect on what I have been doing in the classroom to share with others and it's also been helpful for me to look back on what I have done in the classroom and what has went well and what hasn't. Being able to communicate with a partner that is in the boat that I am has been very helpful. I can get ideas from her and advice on what I should or shouldn't do in the classroom. My partner has also given me some good ideas on some lessons and activities to do in the classroom. I like being able to read what my seminar facilitator thinks of what I have accomplished in the classroom. She was in my shoes once and it's great to be able to see what she has done and what she thinks I should do. Getting advice from a mentor is always something I will take. I still think that the use of a blog in the classroom is a great idea. It gets students involved in a different way and it is very interactive. I'm not big on the use of technology in my classroom, but I can see myself using a blog someday in the future. My question for you Lauren is --How has using this blog helped you through your time in the program? Have your thoughts and ideas on using a blog in the classroom changed over the course of the year?

1 comment:

  1. Emily-
    In my blog I wrote about being very skeptical about what I publish in my post. I feel that if teachers blog among other teachers in the school they may become very comfortable sharing too much information about specific situations or students. This worries me about blogging in my future. Thankfully, I have you as a blogging partner and I trust posting and sharing things with you in our blog.
    My thoughts and ideas about blogging in the classroom have changed. I think it is a great way for students to write and share their ideas using technology. Instead of using the traditional "journals" students can use a blog to express themselves through writing. I think that this can only be used in the upper grades because students in the lower grades still need to handwrite their journals to practice their handwriting. Blogging could be beneficial for younger students to share their favorite entry of the week or month but not every single entry.
    There are many other ways that blogging can be used but this is the first way I see myself using blogging in my future classroom.


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