Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Practicum Plan Reflection #2

All the assignments on my practicum plan are finished! I taught my last lesson yesterday and the kids loved it. As a class the read "Red Writing Hood" and everyone got their own part. I had them make hand puppets to go along with their character. I was really surprised how into it a lot of the students got. They did a wonderful job. I look at my practicum plan and can't believe how fast this semester is going. Personally, I think I did a wonderful job keeping up with the assignments and all my learning goals on my practicum plan. I got a lot more comfortable this semester with whole group lessons. My mentor teacher had a lot to do with it. She was so wonderful and she made me feel comfortable and not nervous at all. This semester has been absolutely fabulous, and I'm sad to see it end. I wish I could stay in this classroom for the rest of my experience in the Benedum Program.

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