Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wiki Progress

Our wiki has turned out absolutely wonderful! Sonya and I sat down the other day and put together the front page. That was one of the pages that the group decided I would do, but Sonya helped me figure out what kind of graphic to put on the page and how to make it exciting and eye-catching. Sonya and I also discussed what she would include in the history page. When she had it finished, she called me and had me read it over to see what I thought. I think she did a very good job and I told her what I thought of it. While we were at our PDS, we all sat down with our coordinator and spoke with her about when the school was built and how they did the ground blending for it. The girls and I worked very well together. We gave advice and criticism when needed, and we also received it when we asked for it. This project was a very good way to get all of us to learn how to work together and to learn how to give and get advice. I'm very proud of the work we have done together and I hope that everyone else that sees our wiki is impressed with it as well.

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