Saturday, November 12, 2011

Practicum Plan Reflection

I had originally reflected on my practicum plan in my researcher notebook, but since this will be easier for everyone to see, I figured I'd just go ahead and do it on here. I have been doing very well with the assignments on my practicum plan. I only have a few things left and everything will be done. I dropped C&I 444 because I switched my specialization from science to early childhood, so the things on my plan for that class I don't have to worry about. My mentor teacher has been very flexible and has allowed me to do pretty much all my assignmetns while adjusting her schedule so that I can get things done. I have attended several extra curricular activities and I am getting very comfortable teaching the whole class. Classroom management has also become a little easier. If the kids get out of hand, I don't have trouble raising my voice above their to clam them down. I think my mentor teacher has a lot to do with how comfortable I am getting. With almost every lesson I teache she does an evaluation for me, and we always sit down and reflect after each lesson as well. I check my practicum plan weekly and things are moving along very smoothly. The only things I have left to do in the classroom is another lesson incorporating the arts and we have that scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving. I also have a whole class math lesson to teach which I am doing next week as well as collecting some more data and a few interviews for my inquiry of students project.

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